Web Creation Shortcuts

Discover time-saving shortcuts for web creation with this ultimate handbook. From video editing to font sizes, this guide has got you covered to speed up content creation.

What's in this article:

All Assets

Arrows: Move assets on canvas by 1px

Shift + Arrow: Move assets faster by 10px

Option + Drag Asset by Corner (Mac): Resize from center of asset

Alt + Drag Asset by Corner (Windows): Resize from center of asset

Shift + Drag Asset by Corner: Free form resize

Esc: Deselects element, exits context menu

Delete: Remove asset

S: Split video clip

Command + D (Mac): Duplicate asset

Ctrl + D (Windows): Duplicate asset

Ctrl + Click (Mac): Access the right click menu in the timeline, on canvas - selects elements individually

Command + Click (Mac): Selects elements individually in the timeline, on canvas - access the right click menu

Ctrl + Click (Windows): Selects elements individually in the timeline, on canvas - access the right click menu

Shift + Click: Selects elements in between

Command + C, Command + V (Mac): Copy and paste

Ctrl + C, Ctrl +V (Windows): Copy and paste


Spacebar: Play/pause video

Text & Fonts

Esc: Saves changes in text element

Enter: Move cursor to new line in text

Option + Drag Asset by Side Handles (Mac): Resize from center of asset

Alt + Drag Asset by Side Handles (Windows): Resize from center of asset

Font Size & Line Height Slider

Arrow Left / Arrow Down: Decrease the font size by 1

Arrow Right / Arrow Up: Increase the font size by 1

Fn + Arrow Down (Mac): Decrease the font size by 10

PgDown (Windows): Decrease the font size by 10

Fn + Arrow Up (Mac): Increase the font size by 10

PgUp (Windows): Increase the font size by 10

Fn + Arrow Right (Mac): Set font size to max value

Home (Windows): Set font size to max value

Fn + Arrow Left (Mac): Set font size to min value

End (Windows): Set font size to min value

Frame Name

Esc: Cancel editing

Enter: Exit editing, save the new name


Command + Wheel (Mac): Zoom in/out

Control + Wheel (Windows): Zoom in/out

Available on:



Q: Can I use these shortcuts on mobile?

A: No, these are shortcuts specific to the web creation studio.